I have been tagged by Di
- Link to your tagger and post the rules
- Share 7 facts about yourself - random/weird
- Tag 7 people; link to them.
- Leave comments on their blogs, so they know they've been tagged.
7 Facts about me:
- I dont Drive!!! Its true and I dont even have a driver's liscense. I have a car phobia that stemmed as a child and I have tried but nothing yet.
- I read romance books every week. I love them
- I use periods alot in my sentence .......... instead of starting a new paragraph
- I love to eat cereal for dinner
- I dont use spell check. I should but I dont
- I am still madly in love with my hubby after 11 years if marriage. I still get tingles when he kisses me
- My kids are just awesome..they are great kids and smart ...I am very lucky
So here you go and will be tagging 7 more to do this: anne, jaime, anam, angela, pat, kim and rachel