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10 Days of Keto Thanksgiving: {Day 7}: Low Carb Stuffed Artichokes

Low Carb Stuffed Artichokes
Recipe came from HERE


  • 2 cups almond flour

  • 1 tsp sea salt

  • 1 tsp parsley

  • 1 tsp black pepper

  • 1 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp onion powder

  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano



  • Ingredients

  • 4 large artichokes, trimmed

  • lemon juice (optional)

  • 8 cloves garlic, smashed with the flat of your blade and minced

  • 4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 lemon

  • boiling water

  1. "Italian Bread Crumbs" Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until thoroughly combined.

  2. Prepare your artichokes. Cut off the stems so they will stand upright. Slice off the top third of the artichokes and pull off some of the tough outermost leaves. Trim off the pointed tips of the remaining leaves with kitchen shears. Turn the artichoke cutside-down, and with a firm grip on the base, bang the artichoke against your cutting board to open the leaves. Rub cut parts with a little lemon juice, if desired, to keep from turning brown. Use your thumbs to open the leaves the rest of the way to make room for stuffing and set aside.

  3. Heat oven to 425° F and set a small stock pot of water to boil.

  4. In a large bowl, combine bread crumbs and garlic.

  5. Stuff one artichoke at a time by scooping out 1/2 cup of stuffing, placing the artichoke in the bottom of the bowl and sprinkling with the 1/2 cup of stuffing. Use your fingers to work the stuffing in between the leaves. You may not have to use the entire 1/2 cup for each artichoke because the size of your 'chokes may vary. Just ensure you get a bit of the stuffing between each of the outer leaves and in the top.

  6. Transfer stuffed artichoke to a baking dish. Continue until all artichokes are stuffed and placed in the baking dish.

  7. Drizzle each artichoke with 1 Tbsp oil.

  8. Squeeze juice of 1 lemon over the top of artichokes

  9. Pour in boiling water from the stock pot to fill the dish about an inch high. Cover securely with aluminum foil and bake about 45 minutes. Check for tenderness by sliding a knife easily through the base of the artichokes. Once tender, uncover and broil for about 3 more minutes, or until the artichokes turn golden brown. Serve warm.
Enjoy and Have an amazing Holiday!!!


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